
Terms of Service

Last Updated over a week ago

These Terms of Service and the documents referred to herein explain how you or your organization (“You”, “Your”) may use the services used by you through the Interlynk, Inc (“Interlynk”) software platform, including but not limited to the website, documentation, data, and tools (the “Services”). If you have a separate agreement with Interlynk covering your subscription services, then that agreement will supersede conflicting statements, if any, in these Terms of Service.

By using the Services, you agree to accept these Terms of Service and to comply with them.

1. Interlynk

Interlynk (“Interlynk,” “Company,” “us,” “our”) is the provider and operator of the Services.

2. Terms

Interlynk may revise these Terms of Service at any time. Interlynk may, in its sole discretion, notify you of the changes via email. The terms and process for changes to fees and payments are detailed separately below.

Please check this page occasionally for changes to these Terms of Service. These Terms of Service and any future changes will be binding on you.

3. Your Account

If you set up an account with Interlynk, you are responsible for any use by that account’s use of the Services and for protecting your account details from unauthorized use.

If you are registering a company, you hereby warrant that you have the authority to bind your company to these Terms of Service. Furthermore, you hereby warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and, if you are not, that you have the permission of your parent or guardian to register and/or use the Services in accordance with these Terms of Service.

4. Your Rights

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right to use the Services only for your internal business operations and in accordance with these Terms of Service.

This license shall remain in effect until such time as these Terms of Service are terminated by you or Interlynk, as detailed in the Termination section below. You agree that you will only use the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in these Terms of Service and that you will not redistribute or transfer all or any part of the Services.

You acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights to the Services anywhere in the world belong to Interlynk, regardless of where they are installed or integrated, and that you have no rights in or to the Services other than the right to use them in accordance with these Terms of Service.

If you breach these Terms of Service and such breach results in the creation of derivative works (“Derivative Works”), you hereby assign with the full title all such Derivative Works to Interlynk. A such assignment does not preclude Interlynk from taking any legal or other action against you for breaching these Terms of Service, including for infringement of our intellectual property rights.

At any time, you may provide suggestions, comments, feedback, or other ideas (“Ideas”) to Interlynk with respect to the Services. If you forward your Ideas to Interlynk, you grant Interlynk an unlimited right and license to use, reproduce, license, or otherwise distribute the Ideas as Interlynk wishes, without any restrictions, including payment to you.

5. Our Services

Over time Interlynk will develop and offer new features and functionality to the Services. These Terms of Service shall apply to all new services, features, and functionality in the Services.
You agree and acknowledge that Interlynk makes no guarantee to the accuracy and completeness of the Services and, therefore, cannot warrant that:

  • the Services will find and monitor or is aware of all vulnerabilities present in your application or data. Interlynk strives to improve and build upon its and others’ use of open-source vulnerability databases but cannot guarantee that it will have the knowledge of all vulnerabilities.
  • Interlynk will be able to fix or recommend a fix to vulnerabilities found using the Services.
  • all open-source licensing information is accurate or complete as it relates to the packages used in your applications. Interlynk does not offer professional or legal advice and strongly recommends that you not solely rely on Interlynk’s interpretations of the legal use of packages or any open-source code used by your application.
  • any patch developed or upgrade recommendation made by Interlynk will not break the functionality of your application or will not result in the introduction of new vulnerabilities. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to assess the impact of a recommended upgrade or patch before using it.

You understand and agree that the recommendations and suggestions made by Interlynk in relation to code updates and/or fixes, license interpretations, and scan results are for your general information. Therefore, the interpretations, advice and recommendations made by Interlynk and its Services must not be solely relied upon. Further, Interlynk will not be liable for any damages or costs suffered as a result of Interlynk’s failure to find, identify, fix and monitor vulnerabilities, interpret license attributes or restrictions, or for any damage or loss suffered as a result of a fix or recommendation or any other service provided by Interlynk.

6. Access to Our Services

You understand and agree that using the Services will depend on your chosen plan. 

Interlynk intends to make your Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, but Interlynk cannot guarantee that the Services will always be available. Interlynk makes no guarantees with respect to the availability of Services under the Free Tier.

Reasons for Services not being available or being interrupted include but are not limited to the following:

Maintenance. Your Services may be unavailable or interrupted due to required planned maintenance services. In the event of a planned maintenance event, Interlynk will provide notice via email. In the case of emergency maintenance, however, you understand and agree that service interruptions may be required without notice.

Beyond our Control. Your Services may be unavailable, interrupted, or delayed due to network or facility issues. Interlynk will not be liable for interruptions to your Services because of events outside our control.

7. Your Use of the Services

You may not use, transfer, or allow access to the Services in whole or part to any third party or non-licensed entity.

The rights granted to you to use the Services prohibit you from the following:

  • Making available through any means in whole or in part any of the Services, including but not limited to scraping or crawling,
  • Copying or accessing all or any part of the Services other than through the interface(s) provided to you.
  • Embedding the Services into any other product or service.
  • Using any automated or manual process to copy or access any part of the Services, including but not limited to web crawlers, bots, or scripts.

Without written permission from Interlynk, you also agree not to do any of the following:

  • use the Services in any way that breaches applicable local, national, or international law or regulation.
  • copy, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit, or distribute all or any portion of the Services in any form.
  • reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer all or any part of the Services.
  • use the Services to provide services to third parties, including using the Services for projects not owned or used by you. For example, if you use Services as a managed-service provider for five clients, you must purchase five licenses to Interlynk’s services–one for each client.

8. Subscriptions and Fees

If you choose a plan that requires payment, Stripe, Interlynk’s third-party payments provider, will bill your payment card for the appropriate fee in advance or shortly after the date you subscribe to your plan. You will be charged periodically (monthly or yearly, based on your chosen subscription type) after that until terminated by you or us. All fees are non-refundable. For detailed information on how Stripe handles changes to subscriptions and billing-related behavior such as account prorations, see Stripe’s documentation


Interlynk reserves the right to withhold the Services until the relevant fees have been paid in full.
Interlynk reserves the right to change our payment plans or fees at anytime. If you do not agree to the changes, you may cancel your subscription via the Billing page in the Interlynk user dashboard.

When you cancel your subscription to Services, you will not be charged at the start of the next billing cycle and may continue to use Services until that next billing milestone. After you subscribe to Services ends, your ability to access Services ends and Interlynk will purge all user and project history data associated with your account as described in the Termination section of this agreement.

Interlynk may choose to offer a Free Tier (the “Free Tier”)which shall not have subscription fees. Such Free Tier may be implemented,amended, or terminated by Interlynk at any time.

9. Data

Interlynk claims no rights to your property, whether intellectual or otherwise. This includes any of your applications or material you may send to us in our performance of the Services.
Your use of the Services may require Interlynk to inspect some or all of your projects, and we may send all or parts of your projects’ metadata to Interlynk’s servers in order to deliver the Services to you. The information we collect may include but is not necessarily limited to project-specific information, including the project name and metadata, as well as each project’s dependency information (“Project Data”). Therefore, Interlynk requires, and you hereby grant Interlynk, a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free license to store, use, reproduce, display, and transmit the Project Data and any other materials transmitted via the Service to the extent necessary for your use and our delivery of the Services. Interlynk may also use this Project Data for analytical use to allow Interlynk to enhance and improve our Services. Without your written permission, this license does not grant Interlynk the right to share any identifiable Project Data with any third party. This license shall remain in effect until and unless these Terms of Service are terminated.

For the purposes of customer support, your use of the Services grants Interlynk the right to access your web dashboard as a “viewer,” with permissions equivalent to those of a user created with the viewer role via the Users page. In the event that Interlynk views your account in the course of support activities, an Interlynk-generated user will appear on the Users page of your account.

No personal or company-identifiable information, including Project Data, will be shared with any third party without written authorization from you unless required by legal action.

10. Your Usage Data

Interlynk will collect and save the information showing your usage of the Services (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data is used by Interlynk for analytical purposes to see how you are using the Services and to help Interlynk find ways to improve our Services. No identifiable data will be shared with any third party without your prior written permission or by order of law.

11. Limitation of Liability

By using the Services, you understand and agree to the limitations on our liability to you that include but are not limited to the following:

  • Interlynk shall not be liable for any loss of profits, business, business opportunity, business interruption, loss, or damage of data or information due to your use of the Services.
  • Interlynk’s maximum aggregate liability to you in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution, or otherwise, arising in connection with your use of the Services shall be limited to the higher of either: i) the total amount paid to us in the 12 months preceding the date on which the claim arose; or ii) $100.00.
  • Interlynk is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by any inaccurate, incomplete, or invalid content information, instructions or scripts provided to Interlynk by you or your designated third party in connection with the Services, and
  • Interlynk is not responsible for any action taken or not taken by Interlynk at your request or direction.
  • Interlynk shall not have any liabilitiy whatsoever for Services offered under the Free Tier.

12. Indemnification

By using the Services, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Interlynk, its officers, directors, employees, and agents against any and all losses, damages, expenses, and costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees relating to your breach of these Terms of Service.

13. Termination

These Terms of Service will be in place as long as you continue to use the Services. You may, however, terminate these Terms of Service at any time for any reason. If you wish to terminate these Terms of Service, you must notify Interlynk via email (support@Interlynk.io) asking to have your account deleted. At that point, Interlynk will delete your account within three business days, and you will cease using the Services in their entirety. Offline backups of your data will be deleted within 32 days.
When your subscription ends, either for lack of payment or through an explicit request to cancel Services via the billing page, Interlynk will delete all user account data as soon as 32 days and no later than 90 days after your subscription ends.
Interlynk may terminate these Terms of Service with you immediately, without notice, in the event that you breach these Terms of Service or Interlynk decides to discontinue the Services.
Upon termination of the Services, all rights granted to you under these Terms of Service, including any licenses, shall cease immediately, and you will be required to:

  • immediately cease use of all of the Services; and
  • if applicable, immediately uninstall, remove, delete, or return to Interlynk all copies of any software or tools used in the provision of the Services from all computer equipment in your possession or control.
  • Pay all fees due and payable to Interlynk at the time of termination in accordance with these Terms of Service.

14. International Users

The Service is controlled, operated, and administered by Interlynk from our offices within the United States. If you access the Service from outside the United States, you are responsible for compliance with all local, federal, and international laws.

15. Assignment

You may not assign, transfer, or sublicense any or all of your rights, interests, or obligations under these Terms of Service without prior written consent from Interlynk.

16. Waiver

The waiver of any right or remedy under these Terms of Service shall not be deemed a waiver of other or all rights or remedies, nor shall it be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breaches or default. The delay or failure by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Terms of Service shall not be considered a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict any further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

17. Severability

If any provision of these Terms of Service is held illegal or unenforceable in a judicial proceeding, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, such provision shall be severed and considered inoperative, and the remainder of these Terms of Service shall remain operative and binding.

18. Joint Venture

It is understood and agreed that nothing in these Terms of Service shall be deemed or construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between the parties or any third party.

19. Enforceability

Only the parties to these Terms of Service, and their successors and permitted assignees, shall have the right to enforce any of its terms.

20. Agreement

These Terms of Service, with any exhibits, schedules, and other documents referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all prior agreements and understandings - both written and oral.

21. Governing Law/Jurisdiction

These Terms of Service are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Delaware. The parties agree that all disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Service shall be exclusive to the Courts of Delaware.

22. Contact us

For all matters concerning the Services or these Terms of Service, please email support@Interlynk.io