Understand and monitor your software supply chain.

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Understand and monitor your software supply chain.
SBOM DevSecOps
SBOM DevSecOps
SBOM is a real-time artifact for recording your application’s security and compliance. A good SBOM program enables continuous monitoring of application dependencies, alerting of zero-day vulnerabilities, and readiness for Federal and International compliance requirements. We build an organizational roadmap for your SBOM journey, including goal setting, developer training, selecting environment-specific toolsets, and support with the implementation.
Custom Integrations
Custom Integrations
Interlynk specializes in all SBOM formats and specifications, their evolution over time, and specification readiness for new features. Interlynk offers custom solutions abstracting SBOM specifications and formats in easy-to-use libraries and APIs. Among attestations and signing, this can help power SBOM export and sharing, component redactions, vulnerability mapping, and license verification.
Vendor Vulnerability Monitoring
Vendor Vulnerability Monitoring
Interlynk provides custom solutions for monitoring vulnerabilities and exploitability across the entire software supply chain with or without using SBOM. These monitoring include open source component registration and disambiguation and is combined with alerting on new vulnerabilities at various vulnerability databases, including OSV, VulnDB, and Github Advisory.
Software Supply ChainTraining
Software Supply ChainTraining
Securing the software supply chain requires a coordinated effort between Application Security, DevOps, Compliance, and procurement with management support. Interlynk’s training program incrementally prepares different parts of the organization for securing the chain and empowers them with open-source or custom toolsets, including tools for SLSA, SBOM, VEX, Sigstore, and attestations.


What does a typical Software Supply Chain Security program look like?

SMP is a detailed process where tiny pigment impressions are applied to the scalp, mimicking real hair follicles for a fuller hair appearance. The results are impressively realistic and indistinguishable

Does Interlynk provide co-development services?

Yes, SMP is effective for both men and women.

Can Interlynk help meet obligations with Executive Order 14028?

The number of sessions varies with hair loss severity, each lasting 2-4 hours. Typically, 3 sessions are needed, spaced 2-3 weeks apart.

Request a Demo for Streamlined SBOM Compliance

Request a Demo for Streamlined SBOM Compliance and see how Interlynk can transform your SBOM generation process. Our solution is designed to be cost-effective and efficient, saving you valuable time and resources.

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